Fare Thee Well, Love - anybody who was breathing and had a pulse in Canada in the early '90s knows or has heard this song. For a while, the Rankins were everywhere, and this was definitely their signature song. Ours is the Stuart Calvert arrangment.
Reel a Bouche - The choir so loves doing mouth music, and I always felt that Quebecois lilting, or turlutage, was missing from the choir's repertoire. This is the year to remedy this, with this arrangement of a Quebecois dance tune by Malcolm Daiglish.
An Innis Aigh - I did an arrangement of this song in praise of Cape Breton, interlacing a little melodic surprise in the middle!
And some old favourites from last year:
Dulaman - the raunchiest song that's only superficially about seaweed that I've ever heard. We do Michael McGlynn's version.
The Parting Glass - Traditionally sung only at the end of a night of fun in Ireland; it's a bit of a taboo to sing something else after it. We usually use this one to close our concerts.
O Chi Mi na Mor Bheanna - Another of an enormous repertoire of celtic songs where the author dreams of going home. This one is specifically a song of the Scottish highlands.
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